Saturday, December 27, 2008
No More Movies for Mom
As you may already know, my mother died on December 8, 2008, at approximately 0709. Thus, she and I won't be pleasuring together in movies, anymore. However, over the last year of her life we continued to collect and watch DVDs, so there remain several to enter, here, which I'll be doing throughout the coming months. As well, there is one movie I bought after her death specifically because I knew Mom was interested in seeing it, I wanted to see it, as well, and I want to enter it and guess at what her reactions to the movie would have been. I'll designate which one this is when I post.
Just so you aren't confused, despite my mother's death I continue to post at The Mom & Me Journals dot Net. If you're curious about what I could possibly have to say, now, that my mother is dead, click over and take a look.