Sunday, August 14, 2016


Number of "Movies" as of Today - First Count 8/14/16

  Counting every television season series as "1", in most cases, I have 333 "movies" as of today, 8/14/16. Might be time to thin out my collection, again. I've already spotted a few that I doubt I'll ever watch again and have no sentimental value. Look for more garish yellow movie titles in the future.



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Sleeping Beauty

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Warner Brothers 20 Film Collection Thrillers


The Bridge on the River Kwai

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An Autumn Afternoon

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The Designated Mourner

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Another Huge Catch Up; All Movies waaay AMD

    It's been ages, I know. All the following movies have been purchased and watched (unless noted otherwise in the Commentary) since Mom died (AMD=After Mom Died). This list, however, hasn't lost its utility, especially, it seems for borrowing friends and occasional family members.
    I've dropped all but the Commentary section. As well, at this writing, I'm not attaching the titles to web links, although I am linking titles to this journal in order to set the titles up for later outsourced linking. I'll probably edit for web links, later. I will be tagging all entries for personal categories.
    And, yes, I know many of the outsourced links on movies already listed are out of date. I'll clean those up, eventually, as well.
All material copyright at time of posting by Gail Rae Hudson

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