Tuesday, August 29, 2023
- Commentary: Under construction.
Yes, I've seen this movie, although quite a while ago. I remember not being able to decide whether I liked this movie better than They Live or vice versa, even though they are pretty much dissimilar, excepting their political angles. I don't think I ever decided, although I finally acquired this movie and I don't, yet, have a desire to acquire They Live.
I have a bizarre memory that I can't seem to verify that I read the "book" a bit before the movie came out, but I can't seem to locate "that book". I believe I purchased a copy of it for the book club reading of it, so I should probably try to track it down through my stacks and stacks of books. Could be that the book had a different title and the author may have (successfully) divorced himself from the movie. We'll see.
More later.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Luke Wilson Cpl Joe Bauers Maya Rudolph Rita Dax Shepard Frito Pendejo Terry Crews Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho Andrew Wilson Beef Supreme Brad "Scarface" Jordan Upgrayedd Thomas Haden Church Brawndo's CEO Justin Long Doctor Lexus
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 2006
Directed by Mike Judge.
Labels: political-satire