Saturday, March 05, 2022
- Commentary: I'm not rewatching them in any particular order, except for an internal order that pleases me. The first, The Way We Were, was watched earlier today. I am in the middle of watching the second, Yentl, as I write this.
Some days, like today, I may watch more than one. Some days I may watch none. But I have decided to work my way through my entire movie library as a personal project.
I don't expect anything to come from this project, except for me to refresh my memory of my video library. Sometimes these rewatchings may cause me to add comments onto my existing write-ups. I'm not expecting this, though.
Once I've rewatched something, I'll append the rewatch date at the end of my existing write-ups underneath the "Director" listing. If I have anything to add about the video, it will be added there.
I'm excited about this project. I expect it to take well over a year, probably some time over two years. I'm not purposely including rewatching the series I own at this point, but may include them as time goes on.
When I've completed a rewatch, I'll append [RW] to the title over to the left in the Alpha Index of DVDs Owned.
Enough, for now.
# posted by gail @ 16:42
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All material copyright at time of posting by Gail Rae Hudson