Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Cosmos: The Entire 1980 Carl Sagan Series
- Who's watched: M & G
- Mentions: *1*
- Commentary: This series is our church. We watch episodes of it often, reverently and with maximum alertness. The music has a tendency to blur the experience for Mom, but the stories and cosmopolitan view snap her out of it. We have been known to lose entire afternoons and evenings to episodes of this series. In a way, I consider it the essence of the spirit that keeps Mom around.
Take note, readers. The review of this series that I've linked to the title of this post is written by an actual scientist/science writer who was motivated into the science field by this series. Not that I don't want to you check out every link in every one of my posts, but this link is especially delicious. Check it out.
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 1980
Directed by Adrian Malone and other of its producers, none, apparently, female.
Labels: documentary1, dream1, science, spectacle2, TV3