Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Groundhog Day
- Who's watched: M & G
- Mentions: None
- Commentary: I have fond memories of Mom and me watching this movie. Mom does not. That's okay, though. Despite her lack of time acuity, she has a peculiar ability to grasp this movie and delight in it's circularity. But, she never remembers seeing it. Which, I suppose, is a plus.
Update 2/7/18: You may think it strange that I thinned this one out of my collection, considering what a good movie it is, how lauded it is. All I can tell you is this: Mom and I watched it so much that I knew I would never watch it again. It's been tattooed onto my mind. If I feel the urge, I can always check it out of the library. In almost 10 years I haven't felt the urge.
Roger Ebert, however, felt the urge more than once. Along with his initial review, linked to the title of this post, Ebert serenaded this movie twice [first here then here] as a Great Movie pick.
Finally, Jim Emerson in his Scanners co-site recommends not only the movie but a companion article singing the praises of the movie. Check out the immediately previous link for yet another link to that goodie.
What's the matter with me that I sent this movie to the library dog house? Almost makes me feel craven. Not!
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Bill Murray Phil Connors Andie MacDowell Rita Hanson Chris Elliott Larry the cameraman Stephen Tobolowsky Ned Ryerson
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 1993
Directed by Harold Ramis.
Labels: comedy2, fantasy3, mystery2