Wednesday, February 09, 2005
- Who's watched: M & G
- Mentions: None
- Commentary: I know, this is the movie, not the series, and Mom loves the series, too, but that's on TV so much we decided not to buy it. This, however, is not.
Because, when I came to live with her, she liked this series so much and had been in the military just previous to the Korean conflict, so she identified with a lot of the show detail, I challenged her, once, to see the original movie from which the show was adapted. We were both surprised how much she liked it. I remember that she was surprised at the words of the theme song, with which one does not become familiar if one watches only the television series.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Donald Sutherland Hawkeye Pierce Elliott Gould Trapper John Sally Kellerman Hot Lips Tom Skerritt Duke
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 1970
Directed by Robert Altman.
Labels: donald-sutherland, period5, robert-altman, satire2, war2