Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Aguirre, The Wrath of God
- Who's watched: M & G
- Mentions: *1* *2*
- Commentary: My mother's interest in this movie was a big surprise for me. I didn't expect her to enjoy it because it is subtitled, it portrays a brutal episode in history and Werner Herzog spared no one and nothing in making this movie, but she was mesmerized by it. Unfortunately, the only copy we were able to obtain was one that had been "formatted for your screen"...big problem with this movie, since it depends on panoramic scenes, especially in the beginning, but I don't think my mother noticed or cared. I will probably keep tabs on versions of this movie and replace my copy with a widescreen version at some time in the future.
Update 5/24/22: Yet another post published on 4/09/09 that "disappeared" and I had to recapture.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Klaus Kinski Lope de Aguirre Helena Rojo Inés de Atienza Ruy Guerra Don Pedro de Ursúa Del Negro Brother Gaspar de Carvajal Peter Berling Don Fernando de Guzmán Cecilia Rivera Flores de Aguirre Daniel Ades Perucho Alejandro Repullés Gonzalo Pizarro
One of Roger Ebert's Great Movies.
Here's the Wikipedia write-up for this film.
Release Date: 1972
Directed by Werner Herzog.
Labels: adventure3, drama7, haunting2, historical2, period3, political3, spectacle2, violence3, werner-herzog