Thursday, June 09, 2022
- Commentary: Another classic had-to-have favorite. This movie is so good and so correctly prophetic (and so fucking well done) it still scares the bejesus out of me. I am driven to watch it at least twice a year.
Does it surprise you to know that Roger Ebert reviewed this movie twice? He did, again, as one of his "Great Movies", linked to the title of this post, and 24 years earlier when he initially saw it on it's first release.
Update 6/9/2022: This post was originally published on 8/14/16 but disappeared from public view. I am now reinstating it.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Faye Dunaway Diana Christensen Wiliam Holden Max Schumacher Peter Finch Howard Beale Robert Duvall Frank Hackett Wesley Addy Nelson Chaney Ned Beatty Arthur Jensen Beatrice Straight Louise Schumacher Jordan Charney Harry Hunter Conchata Ferrell Barbara Schlesinger Darryl Hickman Bill Herron William Prince Edward Ruddy Ken Kercheval Merrill Grant
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 1976
Directed by Sidney Lumet.
Labels: faye-dunaway, journalism, me-favorite1, ned-beatty, political2, prophecy, robert-duvall, satire1