Tuesday, March 06, 2018
The Rapture
- Commentary: I know, I know, what am I doing with this movie, relatively unknown, certainly a peculiar take on Christianity's final judgment doctrine, in my collection? Let me explain. I saw this movie when I was living in Seattle, when it premiered in the theater. I decided to see it after reading Roger Ebert's remarkable review of the movie, linked to the title of this post.
No, I am not a believer, for all practical purposes I've never been, but I lived, in my teenage years, with a relative who became a rabid Christian fundamentalist and spent quite a bit of her time at home (which was, in those days, less time than she spent at church functions) trying to convert the rest of the family (which she never accomplished; an unusual defeat considering that the usually successful tactic of the church with which she was associated was to snatch the teens and badger them to convert their families). I was particularly affected, to the point of studying scripture, despite my lack of faith, and presenting her with an essay about how, if her beliefs were true, I was willing to be eternally damned. Some years later this relative renounced her belief, with her husband, whom she met in the church, and became a staunch atheist and Unitarian Universalist. I've remained an agnostic atheist with a fascination for religious rabidity and the media it inspires. This is my favorite movie of that genre. Notice all the labels I've attached to it. It affects me on several levels, of which I am reminded at least once a year since I obtained it.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Mimi Rogers Sharon David Duchovny Randy Kimberly Cullum Mary Darwyn Carson Maggie Patrick Bauchau Vic James LeGros Tommy Will Patton Deputy Foster Sam Vlahos Wayne
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of the film.
Release Date: 1991
Directed by Michael Tolkin.
Labels: adventure1, apocalyptic, bible-movies1, drama4, dream1, fantasy1, film-art1, haunting1, jesus-dvds, me-favorite1, neo-noirB, prophecy, spiritual1, suspense1