Wednesday, January 22, 2020
- Commentary: I almost didn't acquire this movie. I found out about it, looked for it at the local library, couldn't find it and figured, well, I don't want to take a chance on it if I can't pre-view (yes, the dash is intentional) it. I mean, I'm familiar with some of Chow Yun Fat's work, martial arts stuff, find him riveting as an actor but knew almost nothing about Confucius except for the dubious details that our culture pawns off on us. When I discovered the movie, by accident, I was intrigued enough to go looking for information on the man, himself. It was this research, which is voluminous, that whetted my interest in the movie. There is a great deal of information on Confucius, but the most intriguing bit of information is that there is some (little) historical doubt as to whether he or his renowned teacher, Laozi, even existed in anything other than legend. Regardless of whether either figure actually existed or were combinations of several Chinese philosophers and legends, the impact of both figures on both Chinese and global society cannot be denied.
So, based only on Confucius' impact, my appreciation for Chow Yun Fat's work and finding the movie, new, at a good price, I decided to purchase it.
I'm pleased I did. Whether Confucius is legend or fact, the movie is so well done and very involving. It swept me up and delivered me into a life full of action and intrigue. Extraordinary man. His life, legendary, actual, whatever, was a touchstone. If such a person hadn't have lived, he surely would have been invented, by the best minds of his day and the days to come.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Chow Yun-fat Confucius Zhou Xun Nanzi Xu Huanshan Laozi Yao Lu Duke Lu Dinggong Ma Jingwu Duke Jing of Qi Bi Yanjun Duke Ling of Wei Wang Huichun Li Chu Li Huan Kuai Kui Chen Jianbin Jisun Si Lu Yi Jisun Fei Wang Ban Shushun Wu Wu Liansheng Mengsun He Kai Li Lady Qiguan Qiao Zhenyu Kong Li Chen Rui Kong Jiao Ren Quan Yan Hui
In case you're curious, here's the Wikipedia page on this film. It's a sad affair, especially since most of its wordage is about (some) of the controversies surrounding the film. The review linked to the title of this post is from ScreenAnarchy and, I think, is a much fairer representation of the film, including the constroversies it stirred. Don't be surprised if I link to more of their content in the future.
Release Date: 2010
Directed by Hu Mei.
Labels: §2, action2, adventure2, biography1, cgi-animation, drama2, female-director1, historical1, period1, political1, reflective, spectacle1, spiritual1, war1