Saturday, January 16, 2021
- Commentary: What can I say? This is a Bette Davis movie, so it's a favorite of mine. It's a heart wrenching story of two musicians played by Paul Henreid and Claude Rains vying for the love of another musician (Davis), one of them doing it very badly with a sharp edge of jealousy, one of them doing it out of confusion and anger. The end leaves you wondering if either suitor deserved her, or if she deserved either of them. Great story. Very involving.
Update 8/15/2021: I could not end this post without leaving a link to Happy Birthday, Claude Rains: A Few Words about ‘Deception’, an article that well describes my own rapture over Claude Rains and that of his work I've seen. This article makes me want to search out more.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Bette Davis Christine Radcliffe Paul Heinreid Karl Novak Claude Rains Alexander Hollenius John Abbott Bertram Gribble Benson Fong Jimmy Richard Erdman Music Student Einar Neilsen Orchestra Conductor Neilsen Jean De Briac Maitre d' Andre
The Wikipedia write-up on this movie is here.
Release Date: 1946
Directed by Irving Rapper.
Labels: bette-davis, claude-rains, drama1, film-noir1, melodramaB, romance1, tragedy1