Friday, May 07, 2021
- Commentary: On 5/2/21 I added two more searchable labels: "feminist" and "sexual". Frankly, I'm surprised I've not added "feminist", before, as I'm sure I've got at least a few movies in my collection that can handle that label. Thelma & Louise for instance, comes to mind. The second new label, though, "sexual", I don't believe I own any movies so overtly sexual that this label applies, except the one I acquired today. Go ahead. Find the label and click it. If you're familiar with the movie to which "sexual" is applied, the only one in this category, so far, I think you'll understand what I mean.
The movie gods know, I have plenty of movies and series that discuss sex, ruminate about it, portray it, even show full, explicit, almost exclusively female nudity, sometimes performing the act of sex, hetero, homo or bi, (I'm thinking, now, of Sex and the City and Game of Thrones). However, although I've seen plenty of explicitly sexual movies, including those meant exclusively to titilate and are unabashed pornography, and enjoyed them, especially when I was younger and worked for a company that sold such films, I don't own any. I can't think, right off, of any I'd want to own, frankly. Is that a typically female thing to say, to think? Maybe. It's kind of like that scene in one of the Sex and the City episodes in which Miranda is having to deal with a guy who is interested in having sex with her while he's watching pornography. She becomes extremely irritated. His need cancels her desire. I can't remember whether she walks out or fakes it. In fact, I'm not even sure it's Miranda. It may be one of the other four women. But, without discussion, the episode completely expresses my reaction to pornography. I find it curious and interesting, sometimes, I have found it arousing, as well, but I don't want it around, even in the background, when I'm interested in sex. And, believe me, I had a partner, at one time, who insisted on watching either pornography or Top Gun (don't ask me why Top Gun, I never understood that one) when we were sexually engaged with one another. I remained good friends with him for the entire time I lived in his area, but he and I ended our sexual engagements early in our relationship, mainly because I found his choice of and his need for sexual background material unintentionally and uncontrollably hilarious.
The movie to which I've attached the label "sexual", though, isn't pornography. I'll discuss this later in my write-up. In fact, when I watch the movie, once again, (it's been some time since I last watched it) it has occurred to me that I may append the "feminist" label to it, as well.
Enough. Time to watch a movie.
Update 5/10/21: I just added one more category, "greta-gerwig". Although I have only one of her movies (as writer and director) so far, this label is in anticipation of adding more of her works to my collection.
# posted by gail @ 20:33 email...
...this post
All material copyright at time of posting by Gail Rae Hudson