Thursday, July 01, 2021
- Commentary: Over the last several months beginning in early April 2020, I've found myself adding prolifically to my collection, but not watching many of those movies, let alone others. I'm not sure why. I'm not worried about it either. But, as of last night, my desire to watch movies suddenly returned, and, now, I think I'm back on track. Oh, I've watched a few in the interim, enough so that I wasn't really aware of my movie-watching lapse until now. For instance, scrolling back through my collection, its seems I've been neglectful of watching since early January, 2021. In fact, as I scrolled further back, I notice that I've skipped watching and/or commenting on movies since sometime in August of last year. If I've watched any, at all, they've mostly been action movies, a genre that I tended to avoid until, well, not even a year ago. So, if you follow this journal, you've probably noticed that, since that time, there are many, many, movies that I've entered but upon which I've not commented. Some, I've viewed, but many I have not. Anyway, suddenly, today, I find my watching chops suddenly nudging me for some exercise. So, I'll be catching up, both my watching and my commenting, over the next few months. Oddly enough, it was the purchasing of two more movies, today, that lifted me back in the saddle. I've seen both movies, but have been wanting to add them to my collection forever, and to watch them, again and again. The first arrives tomorrow. The second, next week. And, I've already started filling in the "Commentary" blanks, as of this afternoon. So, expect some furious ketchup work over the next few months. Yes, Virginia, there are enough I've neglected that it will take me at least a couple of months to catch up.
# posted by gail @ 18:59 email...
...this post
All material copyright at time of posting by Gail Rae Hudson