Monday, April 18, 2022


Regarding the [RW] designation following a growing number of the titles in the Alpha Index on the left

  I've decided to make sure I've watched all my titles at least twice. As you can imagine, there are several I've watched well over twice, but many more I've watched only once. And, yes, even if some of the newer entries have no write-ups, as of this date (and time) I've watched everything listed on this site at least once. That will change, this Friday, when I receive five new movies that I've never watched, but, believe me, it won't be long before they've joined the ranks of the watched.
  At any rate, I want to make mention of the [RW] designation before it appears next to many more titles. I decided to signify that I've re-watched movies in my collection as an appropriate way to decide, over time, whether I'd like to do any more collection thinning. As well, if I know I've watched a particular title two or more times already, I'm going to re-watch it, again, just to satisfy myself that I want to keep it. The task won't be hard. If you haven't yet guessed, I love watching movies and shows, and, if I favor them, I love watching them repeatedly!
  So. That's the strategy. And, yes, if I decide to pass any particular title on to the library, or somewhere else, its title in the Alpha Index will be changed to that golden-yellow color.

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