Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Law & Order SVU 1
- Commentary: Under construction.
I am currently smack dab in the middle of this season. Once I realized that both MFS and I have a fascination with the character Olivia Benson and started winding my way through Season 22, I decided I wanted to get a grasp of the characters from the beginning and watch their evolution through the series' time line, so I obtained this one. Interesting series from the very beginning! So far, the unit has lost one detective who has continuing emotional trouble handling the kind of crimes the unit is expected to handle. That detective has transferred to the Narcotics division. I never expected that, except that, as I progressively watched the season, it occurred to me that he was having an unusual amount of reaction to what he was being asked to investigate. Quite deft, the way the writers and story-tellers handled this story line.
In addition, if you have any interest at all in this series, you owe it to yourself to go back and watch this first season. The unit, the characters and the stories come into much sharper focus as you watch this season. It helps with the rest of the series.
Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Actor Role Christopher Meloni Sr Det Elliot Stabler Mariska Hargitay Jr Det Olivia Benson Richard Belzer Sr Det John Munch Michelle Hurd Sr Det Monique Jeffries Dann Florek Cpt Donald Cragen Dean Winters Jr Det Brian Cassidy Chris Orbach Jr Det Ken Briscoe Erin Broderick Maureen Stabler
Here's a link to the Wikipedia write-up of this season of the series.
Release Date: 9/20/99 - 5/19/2000
Directed by Various.
Labels: detective2