Sunday, May 19, 2024


Folk-horror and Me

  Aside from my attraction to the horror genre, it seems I especially enjoy Folk Horror, as, after ordering The Wicker Man, I looked up various lists of what movies have been included in this genre and, it seems, I own at least six and, possibly, more, depending on the list to which I'm paying attention.
  Thus, I've inaugurated a new category, "folk-horror" under which to single out these gems in my collection. The category is a list of those films in my collection I've so far identified as "folk-horror". I've labeled them as "folk-horror" as a subject label category, to the left and down. Just click on the category and all the "folk-horror" movies I own (that I've correctly identified, so far) will appear.
  Additionally, I still haven't decided which movies are "folk-horror" versus, simply "horror", so there may be some changes coming to this list, as I study this category, starting with this Wikipedia article and continue from there.

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